
Microchip LE77D112BTC

用户线路接口概念(SLIC)2 线3.3V





912ob9001 201514001 201545001 201813485 2016esdduns


The LE75S28CD is LED SUPPLY CC AC/DC 13-27V 2.94A, that includes LE75S-CD Series, they are designed to operate with a Switching Supplies Product, Type is shown on datasheet note for use in a Constant Current, that offers Packaging features such as Bulk, Unit Weight is designed to work in 1.653 lbs, as well as the Screw Mounting Style, the device can also be used as Wire Leads Termination Style, it has an Operating Temperature range of -35°C ~ 70°C, the device is offered in OCP, OTP, OVP, SCP Features, the device has a 5.91" L x 2.66" W x 1.46" H (150.0mm x 67.5mm x 37.0mm) of Size Dimension, and Power Watts is 75W, and the Number of Outputs is 1, and Topology is AC DC Converter, and the Current Output Max is 2.94A, and Voltage Output is 13 ~ 27 V, and the Dimming is Analog, and Voltage Input Min is 90VAC, and the Voltage Input Max is 305VAC, and Ratings is IP67, and the Output Power is 75 W, and Efficiency is 0.87, and the Dimensions is 5.91 in L x 2.66 in W x 1.46 in H, and Input Voltage is 90 VAC to 305 VAC/120 VDC to 370 VDC, and the Output Voltage Channel 1 is 12 VDC to 27 VDC, and Output Current Channel 1 is 2.66 A to 2.94 A, and the Open Frame Enclosed is Enclosed, and Operation Mode is Constant Current (CC).

The LE75S140CD is LED SUPPLY CC AC/DC 27-54V 1.47A, that includes 1.47A Current Output Max, they are designed to operate with a 5.91 in L x 2.66 in W x 1.46 in H Dimensions, Dimming is shown on datasheet note for use in a Analog, that offers Efficiency features such as 0.9, Features is designed to work in OCP, OTP, OVP, SCP, as well as the 90 VAC to 305 VAC/120 VDC to 370 VDC Input Voltage, the device can also be used as Screw Mounting Style. In addition, the Number of Outputs is 1, the device is offered in Enclosed Open Frame Enclosed, it has an Operating Temperature range of -35°C ~ 70°C, and Operation Mode is Constant Current (CC), and the Output Current Channel 1 is 1.33 A to 1.47 A, and Output Power is 75 W, and the Output Voltage Channel 1 is 27 VDC to 54 VDC, and Power Watts is 75W, and the Product is Switching Supplies, and Ratings is IP67, and the Series is LE75S-CD, and Size Dimension is 5.91" L x 2.66" W x 1.46" H (150.0mm x 67.5mm x 37.0mm), and the Termination Style is Wire Leads, and Topology is AC DC Converter, and the Type is Constant Current, and Unit Weight is 1.653 lbs, and the Voltage Input Max is 305VAC, and Voltage Input Min is 90VAC, and the Voltage Output is 27 ~ 54 V.


Tray Package
Subscriber Line Interface Concept (SLIC) Function
2 Number of Circuits
3.3V Voltage - Supply
包装: 托盘
部件状态: 停产
功能: 用户线路接口概念(SLIC)
接口: 2 线
电路数: 2
电源电压: 3.3V
工作温度: -40°C ~ 85°C
Microchip Technology

Microchip Technology

Microchip Technology是一家全球领先的半导体供应商,成立于1989年,总部位于美国亚利桑那州钱德勒。公司专注于提供微控制器、混合信号、模拟和闪存IP解决方案,服务于广泛的嵌入式控制应用市场。



收入: 85M


国家: 105


配件发货: 25M+


制造商: 950


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