

S0816MHz4KB(4K x 8)





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The MC9S08QD4CSCR is IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 8SOIC, that includes S08 Series, they are designed to operate with a MCU Product, Packaging is shown on datasheet note for use in a Digi-ReelR Alternate Packaging, that offers Unit Weight features such as 0.002616 oz, Mounting Style is designed to work in SMD/SMT, as well as the 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width) Package Case, it has an Operating Temperature range of -40°C ~ 85°C (TA). In addition, the Supplier Device Package is 8-SOIC, the device is offered in 4 Number of I O, the device has a 16MHz of Speed, and Core Processor is S08, and the RAM Size is 256 x 8, and Program Memory Type is FLASH, and the Peripherals is LVD, POR, PWM, WDT, and Voltage Supply Vcc Vdd is 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V, and the Core Size is 8-Bit, and Program Memory Size is 4KB (4K x 8), and the Data Converters is A/D 4x10b, and Oscillator Type is Internal, it has an Maximum Operating Temperature range of + 85 C, it has an Minimum Operating Temperature range of - 40 C, and the Operating Supply Voltage is 2.7 V to 5.5 V, and Interface Type is I2C SCI SPI, and the Core is HCS08, and Processor Series is MC9S08QD4, and the Data Bus Width is 8 bit, and Supply Voltage Max is 5.5 V, and the Supply Voltage Min is 2.7 V, and Maximum Clock Frequency is 16 MHz, and the Number of ADC Channels is 4, and Number of I Os is 4 I/O, and the Data RAM Size is 256 B, and Number of Timers Counters is 3 Timer, and the ADC Resolution is 10 bit.

The MC9S08QD4MPC is IC MCU 8BIT 4KB FLASH 8PDIP, that includes 10 bit ADC Resolution, they are designed to operate with a HCS08 Core, Core Processor is shown on datasheet note for use in a S08, that offers Core Size features such as 8-Bit, Data Bus Width is designed to work in 8 bit, as well as the A/D 4x10b Data Converters, the device can also be used as 256 B Data RAM Size. In addition, the Interface Type is I2C SCI SPI, the device is offered in 16 MHz Maximum Clock Frequency, it has an Maximum Operating Temperature range of + 125 C, it has an Minimum Operating Temperature range of - 40 C, and the Mounting Style is Through Hole, and Number of ADC Channels is 4, and the Number of I O is 4, and Number of I Os is 6 I/O, and the Number of Timers Counters is 3 Timer, and Operating Supply Voltage is 2.7 V to 5.5 V, it has an Operating Temperature range of -40°C ~ 125°C (TA), and Oscillator Type is Internal, and the Package Case is 8-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm), and Packaging is Tube, and the Peripherals is LVD, POR, PWM, WDT, and Processor Series is MC9S08QD4, and the Product is MCU, and Program Memory Size is 4KB (4K x 8), and the Program Memory Type is FLASH, and RAM Size is 256 x 8, and the Series is S08, and Speed is 16MHz, and the Supplier Device Package is 8-PDIP, and Supply Voltage Max is 5.5 V, and the Supply Voltage Min is 2.7 V, and Unit Weight is 0.014889 oz, and the Voltage Supply Vcc Vdd is 2.7 V ~ 5.5 V.


S08 Series


  • Four General-purpose input/output (I/O) pins, one input-only pin and one output-only pin. Outputs 10 mA each, 60 mA maximum for package.

  • Software selectable pullups on ports when used as input

  • Software selectable slew rate control and drive strength on ports when used as output

  • Internal pullup on RESET and IRQ pin to reduce customer system cost

Development Support

  • Single-wire background debug interface

Package Options

  • 8-pin SOIC package

  • 8-pin PDIP

  • All package options are RoHS compliant

8-Bit HCS08 Central Processor Unit (CPU)

  • 16 MHz HCS08 CPU (central processor unit)

  • HC08 instruction set with added BGND instruction

  • Background debugging system

  • Breakpoint capability to allow single breakpoint setting during in-circuit debugging (plus two more breakpoints in on-chip debug module)

  • Support for up to 32 interrupt/reset sources


  • Flash read/program/erase over full operating voltage and temperature

  • Flash size: 4096 bytes

  • RAM size: 256 bytes

Power-Saving Modes

  • Wait plus three stops

Clock Source Options

  • ICS — Internal clock source module (ICS) containing a frequency-locked-loop (FLL) controlled by internal. Precision trimming of internal reference allows 0.2% resolution and 2% deviation over temperature and voltage.

System Protection

  • Watchdog computer operating properly (COP) reset with option to run from dedicated 32 kHz internal clock source or bus clock

  • Low-voltage detection with reset or interrupt

  • Illegal opcode detection with reset

  • Illegal address detection with reset

  • Flash block protect

Surface Mount Mounting Type


  • Light sensing & controlling devices

  • Temperature sensing and controlling devices

  • Fire detection & safety devices

  • Industrial instrumentation devices

  • Process control devices

型号系列: S08
包装: 散装
部件状态: 在售
可编程: 未验证
核心处理器: S08
内核规格: 8 位
速度: 16MHz
输入/输出数量: 4
程序存储容量: 4KB(4K x 8)
程序存储器类型: 闪存
RAM 大小: 256 x 8
电源电压(Vcc/Vdd): 2.7V ~ 5.5V
数据转换器: A/D 4x10b
振荡器类型: 内部
工作温度: -40°C ~ 125°C(TA)
安装类型: 表面贴装型
封装/外壳: 8-SOIC(0.154",3.90mm 宽)
供应商器件封装: 8-SOIC


NXP USA Inc.是NXP Semiconductors在美国的子公司,负责设计、研发、制造和销售半导体产品。公司在德克萨斯州奥斯汀和亚利桑那州钱德勒设有晶圆制造设施,专注于为汽车、工业和通信市场提供高性能解决方案。



收入: 85M


国家: 105


配件发货: 25M+


制造商: 950


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