74F194D with pin details manufactured by PHI. The 74F194D is available in SOP16 Package, is part of the Logic - Shift Registers.
The 74F194N is IC SHIFT REGISTER 4BIT 16DIP manufactured by SIGNET. The 74F194N is available in 16-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) Package, is part of the Logic - Shift Registers, , and with support for IC SHIFT REGISTER 4BIT 16DIP.
74F Series
With 16 pins
Mounted in Through Hole type.
Based on 74F194 family
Operate supply voltage at 5V
With 4 output lines
Through Hole Mounting Type
There are a lot of ON Semiconductor
74F194PC Shift Registers applications.
- Data Processors
- Pseudo Random Pattern Generator
- Pulse Extenders
- Pattern Recognizers
- Interconnectors
- Counter
- Data manipulation
- Delay Line
- Generate time delay toward digital circuits
- Parallel data