The MAAP-010512-000000 is a 4-stage, high linearity 1Wpower amplifier in a 7x7 mm laminate package,allowing easy assembly. This PA product is fullymatched to 50 ohms on both the input and output. Itis designed for use as a power amplifier stage intransmit chains and is ideally suited for 42 GHzband point-to-point radios.Each device is 100% RF tested to ensureperformance compliance. The part is fabricatedusing an efficient pHEMT process.
Box Package
Amplifier Type
Board(s) Supplied Contents
There are a lot of M/A-Com Technology Solutions
MAAP-010512-001SMB RF Boards applications.
- Microprocessor
- Radio Transceiver
- Embedded Processor
- Networking Software
- Forming a Self-Healing
- Mesh Network
- Transceiver
- Modem