The MAAP-010169-001SMB is a two stage MMIC poweramplifier designed for broadband high powerapplications. It can be used as either a driver or anoutput stage amplifier. This device is fully matchedinput and output to 50 which eliminates anysensitive external RF tuning components.The device is packaged in a lead free 10-leadflanged package for high volume manufacturing.The MAAP-010169-001SMB is fabricated using a highreliability pHEMT process, to realize good poweradded efficiency and gain. The pHEMT processfeatures full passivation for high performance andreliability.
Box Package
Amplifier Type
Board(s) Supplied Contents
There are a lot of M/A-Com Technology Solutions
MAAP-010169-001SMB RF Boards applications.
- Radio Transceiver
- Embedded Processor
- Networking Software
- Forming a Self-Healing
- Mesh Network
- Transceiver
- Modem
- PA