NM24C03-LM8 with pin details manufactured by NSC. The NM24C03-LM8 is available in 3.9mm Package, is part of the IC Chips.
The NM24C03M8 is EEPROM Memory IC 2Kb (256 x 8) I?C 100kHz 3.5?s 8-SO manufactured by NSC. The NM24C03M8 is available in 3.9mm Package, is part of the IC Chips, , and with support for EEPROM Memory IC 2Kb (256 x 8) I?C 100kHz 3.5?s 8-SO.
Bulk Package
EEPROM Memory Format
EEPROM Technology
2Kbit Memory Size
256 x 8 Memory Organization
I²C Memory Interface
100 kHz Clock Frequency
15ms Write Cycle Time - Word, Page
3.5 µs Access Time
4.5V ~ 5.5V Voltage - Supply
0°C ~ 70°C (TA) Operating Temperature
Surface Mount Mounting Type