CY54FCT244ATDMB 5962-9220302MR with pin details manufactured by TI. The CY54FCT244ATDMB 5962-9220302MR is available in CDIP20 Package, is part of the IC Chips.
CY54FCT245ATDMB 5962-9221403 with EDA / CAD Models manufactured by TI. The CY54FCT245ATDMB 5962-9221403 is available in CDIP20 Package, is part of the IC Chips.
54FCT Series
High Level Output: 48 mA
Low Level Output: -12 mA
8 Number of Bits per Element
There are a lot of Texas Instruments
CY54FCT245CTLMB Buffers & Transceivers applications.
- Wireless network systems
- Satellite communications networks
- Ethernet circuitry
- Wired telephone
- Cordless telephone
- Desktop PC
- Notebook
- Pocket PC
- Desktop radio
- Clock radio